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Help us build a kinder world,
one card at a time.


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The mission of Letters of Love is to provide emotional support to children battling serious illnesses through the creation of hand-crafted, heartfelt letters. We aim to build a community of love and kindness, empowering young people to change the world one card at a time.

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messages from our heroes
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"I believe in LOL’s mission because I have seen firsthand the effect their letters have had on my 5-year-old son, Noah. I’ve witnessed the smiles, and the extra boast of confidence that their letters provide. Reminding him of how strong and brave he is Is just the type of encouragement he needs when faced with a life threatening medical condition that requires lifelong care. The letters are life changing. A lifeline for a child born with only half a heart."


-Noah's Mom

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"I've seen firsthand how much these kids go through and something as simple as getting a Bluey card helped cheer my baby up."


-Liam's Dad

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"Letters of Love has been an absolute light in our daughter’s Leukemia journey. It means the world to us each time she receives a stack of handmade cards and goodies. The thoughtful notes and drawings are perfect reminders that our girl is loved, supported, and prayed over! I can’t wait to see how much LOL grows and the impact their mission will have on other families as well!"


-Nora's Mom

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